Monday, December 10, 2007

Annual Medical Check-Up

As one ages, the human body starts wearing out. It develops complications. Years of neglect and misuse take a toll on the health. In today's fast -paced world , there are very few professionals who can claim that they eat at regular intervals and balanced meals. Many of them eat breakfast while dressing up to leave for work. For lunch it is sandwiches while still shuffling papers or making calls. Several cups of coffee are consumed during the working hours. Though smoking is fast going out of fashion and many of the large companies have banned smoking within the premises, the die hard smokers find ways of retaining their chain-smoking habit. If one sits late in the office in the evening to catch up on pending work to beat approaching deadlines, dinner means some fast food, not a balanced meal. Office work invariably means sedentary work and the executives do not have opportunity or time for any exercise for the body. Not even much of walking. How long would the body cope with this kind of assaults? The result is Acidity, Diabetes, Hypertension, Backache, Migraine, High Cholesterol etc. etc.
Preventive steps are obviously the best. But living in a big city , long commuting hours , mounting expectations from employees in these competitive times and associated mental tension do not allow one to implement all the preventive steps. So, the next best course is to go in for periodical medical check-ups to identify any potential problem while it is still in its infancy. Almost all the major hospitals have such packages at affordable cost. Depending on the age of the user, the packages vary in the tests offered.
All the packages have complete blood count , Blood Sugar, routine chest X-ray and urine test. ECG, Cardiac Profile, Renal Profile, Mammography etc. are modules that are added, depending on the need. Nowadays, the hospitals in big cities are well-equipped with all the latest diagnostic devices. High Frequency X-ray machines ( reducing radiation hazards) , Random Access Automatic Chemistry Analyser, Electronic Blood Cell Counter, Multichannel ECG, Ultrasound Scanners including Color Doppler, Mammography etc. have become a pre-requisite to run any good diagnostic centre these days. If in the routine check-up, any thing suspicious shows up, the patients are referred to other departments for further check-up and diagnosis. In order to facilitate this, the Hospitals have more sophisticated diagnostic equipment like CT scanner, MRI , Cathlab , Gamma Camera and PET Scanner.
It is very human to live in wishful thinking. What you have not heard does not exist. But future being full of surprises, one can never be sure of what is in store . By undergoing regular check-ups, at least once a year, one can take timely action on the health front. The fear that some underlying disease could be discovered during the check-up should not discourage one from opting for routine medical check-up. The momentary unpleasantness on learning the problem will soon be washed away as quick steps following the diagnosis are taken to put the health back in excellent shape.

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